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Idalia School District Athletics

Go Wolves! 


Idalia School District RJ-3 is proud to announce a partnership with Positive Coaching Alliance. Positive Coaching Alliance teaches coaches and parents how to encourage their athletes with positive reinforcement. With a combination of truthful, specific praise and constructive criticism, an athlete’s performance improves along with their chances of sticking with sports longer.

Positive Coaching Alliance's mission is to transform the youth sports culture where all youth and high school athletes have a positive, character-building experience that results in better athletes, better people.



In sports, a parent impacts their children’s lives more than they probably realize. Parents who emphasize sports as a developmental opportunity, rather than a win-at-all-cost proposition help their children the most. Positive Coaching Alliance helps you as a sports parent learn the necessary skills to keep your eye the Big Picture -the life lessons in teamwork, resilience, overcoming adversity, communication skills, etc., that sports can uniquely teach.




Coaches lead youth athletes in developing their skills and psyches in settings that can offer crushing parental and peer pressure, with a stark line between success and failure, winning and losing on display for all to see. They often spend more time with an athlete than their parents and teachers do. That’s why it is critical that youth athletes have a positive coach. One who not only pursues winning but the even more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports. That way, no matter the outcome of a contest, all athletes can take a valuable, enriching experience and apply it to the rest of their lives.





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Idalia School District currently offers the following athletic programs. 

6-man Football                                                                       Volleyball
Head Coach-Toby Kechter                                                   Head Coach-Candice Monahan
Assistant Coach- Kyle Kite & Tyson Lichty                      Assistant Coach-Krista Terrell
Boys Basketball                                                                       Girls Basketball
Head Coach-Patrick Brown                                                   Head Coach-Myles Johnson
Assistant Coach-Tyson Lichty                                               Assistant Coach-Dara Weyerman & Toby Kechter
Head Coach-Kelli Kite                                                                                         
Assistant Coach-Megan Drullinger, Wade Keller, & Candice Monahan                                                    

Athletic Information is below. Please click on the link to view.

2024-2025 Athletic Handbook

CHSAA By-laws




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