Wolf of the Month-Lauren Cody
Lauren Cody-Wolf of the Month
Lauren is a 12-year-old 7th grader on the High Honor Roll. Lauren names her 5th Grade Teacher, Mrs. Sue Heath, along with current Social Studies teacher, Mr. Daniel Weirich, as her favorites. Lauren’s favorite subject is English. Some of Lauren’s hobbies and interests outside of school include competitive dance, basketball, volleyball, 4-H, and hanging out with friends. Lauren names her mom, Lynne, as her role model and states, “My mom is kind, brave, and always willing to do the right thing.” When asked to discuss an accomplishment that she is proud of, Lauren responded, “I have been doing competitive dance for ten years. I am proud to have held onto my favorite hobby for so long, and I placed top ten at the National Dance competition in 2019”. Lauren’s future aspirations are to, “always be on high honor roll, attend Colorado State University, and major in something agriculture related.” Lauren’s advice to her fellow students is, “Don’t give up. Try and try again.” Mrs. Kelli Kite, Lauren’s 6 th Grade teacher, states, “Lauren always has a positive outlook and bright spirit. She fits into any circle of friends because she is genuine and caring.” Mr. Johnson had the following to say, “I appreciate many things about Lauren. Along with being a straight-A student, Lauren is as nice and genuine of a student you will ever find. Often times, junior high years are consumed with students establishing self-identities, with social status and being “cool” of the utmost importance. I find it refreshing that Lauren is who she is, and she is not going to change. It seems to me that Lauren doesn’t really care how people or society may perceive her; she is authentic, unique, genuine, and most of all, nice to everyone. Lauren always seeks and finds the positives in people and life in general. Great job Lauren and congratulations on your well-deserved recognition of being Wolf of the Month.” Submitted by Myles Johnson, Superintendent