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Samantha is a 14-year-old freshman and is a 4.0 student on the High Honor Roll. Sam names Mrs. Tara Garton (Spanish), Mrs. Kristi Minor (Science), Mrs. Sue Terrell (Business), and Mrs. Cindy Soehner (Math) as her favorite teachers. Sam’s favorite subjects are Spanish and Business. Some of Sam’s hobbies and interests outside of school include photography, painting, and reading. Sam names her parents (Sue and Scott) as her role model and states, “My parents are my role models because through all the hardships in life, they never give up and keep a smile on their face.


When asked to discuss an accomplishment that she is proud of, Sam responded, “I am proud that my FBLA project with Kyndal and Callie qualified for Nationals this year.  We worked hard, both independently and as a group.” Sam shared that a ‘Fun-Fact’ about herself is, “I like to play the piano.” When asked to share her future aspirations, Sam stated, “I hope to obtain a scholarship and go to college after high school.” Sam’s advice to her fellow students is, “Be nice to everyone and enjoy junior high and high school while you can.”


Mr. Johnson added, “Sam thrives academically and is a straight-A student. In addition, she is just an overall outstanding person. Sam is intelligent, soft-spoken, polite, friendly, and thoughtful. All of Sam’s teachers speak highly of her, not only due to her impressive academic ability, but also for her good-natured personality and outstanding conduct. Idalia is very fortunate to call Sam one of our own.  Keep up the great work Sam, you have an incredibly bright future, and we can’t wait to see what success awaits you.” Submitted by Myles Johnson, Superintendent