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Taylor is an 11-year-old, straight A, 5th grade student. Taylor names her 1st Grade Teacher, Mrs. Sandi Wudtke, along with current teacher, Mrs. Sue Heath, as her favorites. Taylor’s favorite subjects are Science and Reading. Some of Taylor’s hobbies and interests outside of school include gymnastics and painting. Taylor names her mom, Jessica, as her role model and states, “My mom motivates me to work hard and inspires me to do my best.”
When asked to discuss an accomplishment that she is proud of, Taylor responded, “I try to work hard at school and get good grades, so I would say getting all A’s is one thing I am proud of”. Taylor has a few goals she discussed, including “work on my singing and eventually get a good job”. Taylor shared that a “fun-fact” about herself is that “I can roll my tongue into three folds, and I also like to sing”. Taylor’s advice to her fellow students is, “Always try your hardest, and don’t overthink things.”
Mrs. Heath states, “Taylor is a wonderful student who always gives her best effort and helps classmates without hesitation.” Mr. Johnson had the following to say, “Along with being a straight A student, Taylor makes many positive contributions to our school. Taylor, along with one or two others, are the clear leaders of the elementary this year. Other students tend to naturally follow her lead, and she does a great job of leading by example. All of Taylor’s teachers speak to her impressive work-ethic, behavior, and performance in the classroom. People often times discuss “school culture”, and perhaps the most important aspect of creating that culture is the behavior of your natural student leaders. Our elementary school is very fortunate to have Taylor as one of those students. Keep up the good work Taylor, you are doing an awesome job and have an incredibly bright future. Idalia School is fortunate to have you around for the next eight years.”
Submitted by Myles Johnson, Superintendent